Season 1 'Future' by Hiro-X Season 2 'Driving Myself' by Hiro-X Season 3 'Make You Free' by Kimeru (in even number episodes) or 'Make You Free' by Hisoca (in odd number episodes) Season 4 'Long Way' by Ikuo Season 5 'Fly High' by Toshihiko Matsunaga Season 6A 'Shining' by.
The upgrade card images below are of a level 80 Erwin. This page lists all of the the music associated with the anime and manga series, Prince of Tennis.
Using four Erwins in the same spot allows for infinite chaining at full uptime by using one every 15 seconds.A chain alternating between 81.5% and 48.9% will eventually reach 200% on the fully upgraded ones, allowing players to save 2,000 when making a chaining square. 74.5% will take 4 chained uses, and 81.5% will take 3 chained uses. The max of +200% can not be reached until 67%, where it will take 11 chained uses.The damage increase after N chained buffs will be B(B N-1)/(B-1) with a hard cap of 2, where B is the buff amount as a fraction (0.5 at level 1, 0.895 at level 80). While multiple buffs can not be applied to the same unit, the effect of a single buff can be increased by chaining uses together.As such, the Bomba Orb is the best possible orb to use on a level 80 Erwin, as he will have just over a 200% damage boost when buffed by another maxed out Erwin. The maximum amount of damage buff players can get from Erwin is 200%, which triples a unit’s damage.

Using Shinzou Wo Sasageyo to boost the effect of another Erwin will stack the effects of the ability as long as the troops were not affected by the initial ability. Using Shinzou Wo Sasageyo on a troop already affected by it does NOT add to the time or buff amount, instead nothing happens.